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Нормы ГТО 2019 2020 для школьников 16-17 лет


         В таблице представлены обязательные испытания (тесты) и испытания (тесты) по выбору. Для получения золотого знака «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) в данной возрастной категории требуется выполнить 4 обязательных испытания и 4 испытания по выбору. Для получения серебряного знака «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) требуется выполнить 4 обязательных испытания и 3 испытания по выбору. Для получения бронзового знака «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) требуется выполнить 4 обязательных испытания и 2 испытания по выбору.

Обязательные испытания (тесты)

1. Бег на 100 м
2. Бег на 2 км
или на 3 км
3. Подтягивание из виса на высокой перекладине
или рывок гири 16 кг
или подтягивание из виса лежа на низкой перекладине
или сгибание и разгибание рук в упоре лежа на полу
4. Наклон вперед из положения стоя с прямыми ногами на гимнастической скамье

Испытания (тесты) по выбору

5. Прыжок в длину с разбега
или прыжок в длину с места толчком двумя ногами
6. Поднимание туловища из положения лежа на спине
7. Метание спортивного снаряда весом 700 г
или весом 500 г
8. Бег на лыжах на 3 км
или бег на лыжах на 5 км
или кросс на 3 км по пересеченной местности
или кросс на 5 км по пересеченной местности
9. Плавание на 50 м
10. Стрельба из пневматической винтовки из положения сидя или стоя с опорой локтей о стол или стойку, дистанция — 10 м
или из электронного оружия из положения сидя или стоя с опорой локтей о стол или стойку, дистанция — 10 м
11. Туристский поход с проверкой туристских навыков на дистанцию 10 км
12. Самозащита без оружия

Нормы ГТО 2019 2020 для школьников 11-12 лет


     В таблице представлены обязательные испытания (тесты) и испытания (тесты) по выбору. Для получения золотого знака «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) в данной возрастной категории требуется выполнить 4 обязательных испытания и 4 испытания по выбору. Для получения серебряного знака «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) требуется выполнить 4 обязательных испытания и 3 испытания по выбору. Для получения бронзового знака «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) требуется выполнить 4 обязательных испытания и 2 испытания по выбору.

Обязательные испытания (тесты)

1. Бег на 60 м
2. Бег на 1,5 км
или на 2 км
3. Подтягивание из виса на высокой перекладине
или подтягивание из виса лежа на низкой перекладине
или сгибание и разгибание рук в упоре лежа на полу
4. Наклон вперед из положения стоя с прямыми ногами на полу

Испытания (тесты) по выбору

5. Прыжок в длину с разбега
или прыжок в длину с места толчком двумя ногами
6. Метание мяча весом 150 г
7. Бег на лыжах на 2 км
или на 3 км
или кросс на 3 км по пересеченной местности
8. Плавание 50 м
9. Стрельба из пневматической винтовки из положения сидя или стоя с опорой локтей о стол или стойку, дистанция — 5 м
или из электронного оружия из положения сидя или стоя с опорой локтей о стол или стойку
10. Туристский поход с проверкой туристских навыков

Нормы ГТО 2019 2020 для школьников 13-15 лет


         В таблице представлены обязательные испытания (тесты) и испытания (тесты) по выбору. Для получения золотого знака «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) в данной возрастной категории требуется выполнить 4 обязательных испытания и 4 испытания по выбору. Для получения серебряного знака «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) требуется выполнить 4 обязательных испытания и 3 испытания по выбору. Для получения бронзового знака «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) требуется выполнить 4 обязательных испытания и 2 испытания по выбору.

Обязательные испытания (тесты)

1. Бег на 60 м
2. Бег на 2 км
или на 3 км
3. Подтягивание из виса на высокой перекладине
или подтягивание из виса лежа на низкой перекладине
или сгибание и разгибание рук в упоре лежа на полу
4. Наклон вперед из положения стоя с прямыми ногами на полу

Испытания (тесты) по выбору

5. Прыжок в длину с разбега
или прыжок в длину с места толчком двумя ногами
6. Поднимание туловища из положения лежа на спине
7. Метание мяча весом 150 г
8. Бег на лыжах на 3 км
или на 5 км
или кросс на 3 км по пересеченной местности
9. Плавание на 50 м
10. Стрельба из пневматической винтовки из положения сидя или стоя с опорой локтей о стол или стойку, дистанция — 10 м
или из электронного оружия из положения сидя или стоя с опорой локтей о стол или стойку, дистанция — 10 м
11. Туристский поход с проверкой туристских навыков на дистанцию 10 км
12. Самозащита без оружия

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90000 what is it? TRP standards for men, women and school children 90001 90002 Successful development of the country and improvement of qualitylife of its citizens is possible only if the state pays attention to mass sports and health care. In Soviet times, there were many programs that stimulated the participation of ordinary people in various competitions, encouraging them to maintain their physical form and simply lead an active and healthy lifestyle. The TRP complex was very popular. What is it, modern schoolchildren already do not know.Today physical education in educational institutions is held for a tick, many children are released from them for medical reasons. Talking about adult people is not at all worthwhile, few of them in their spare time are ready to jog or work out on a bar. The current situation largely influences demography. Thus, if in the very near future effective measures are not taken to involve all generations without exception, Russia can pass a critical mark, after which it will be impossible to restore lost positions.90003 90004 Explanation of the abbreviation 90005 90002 The three capital letters of the TRP — what is it? In fact, this abbreviation stands for «Ready for work and defense.» This is a set of physical standards, the name of which already speaks about why he was thinking. 90003 90002 The primary goal of implementing the TRP in lifeSoviet people was the achievement of a mass interest in sports. At the same time, the complex was used as a universal evaluation mechanism, allowing to identify the most physically developed representatives of each generation, on which all the others should be equal.90003 90002 It was considered very prestigious to get an icon aboutsuccessful delivery of established standards. Its owner enjoyed a number of official benefits and informal advantages. The acronym was firmly established in the everyday language of people, and therefore it was not necessary to decipher it. The TRP for many years was a symbol of the sporting superiority of the USSR over other states. 90003 90004 Appearance of the TRP 90005 90002 The day of the birth of thisathletic and health-improving movement by right is considered May 24, 1930.It was then that the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper published the first materials on this important issue. In particular, it was supposed to develop a common criterion for assessing the physical preparation of people of each generation. The best in each age group, who fulfilled certain physical standards, were to receive special badges. 90003 90002 The Soviet public is very enthusiasticsupported the Komsomol initiative, therefore, at the beginning of тисячі дев’ятсот тридцять один the first TRP complex was developed. The program, compiled by the All-Union Council of Physical Culture, after discussion in party organizations was adopted virtually without amendments.90003 90004 History of the TRP 90005 90002 Initially, the system of physical regulations wasIt is designed for two main categories. As the first of them, schoolchildren of grades 1-8 acted, divided into 4 age levels. All the rest of the population over 16 years of age fell into the 2 nd group, in which there were 3 sublevels. 90003 90002 The passage of the TRP very quickly became an important partlife of a large number of people. Therefore, it was necessary to maintain the complex in an up-to-date state.Its changes were made many times. The most important of them are dated 1940, 1947, 1955, 1965 and 1972. 90003 90002 In the light of the initiatives of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putinon the revival of mass sports, the most recent amendment is of greatest interest. As it became known, the standards of the GTO in 2014 will largely be based on what was achieved in this area by 1972. 90003 90002 If we consider this stage of the development of the complex, then it was divided into 5 age categories, each of which had its own name.Children aged 10 to 13 years belonged to the 1st stage — «Bold and deft». Then there was the «Sports shift», which included boys and girls 14-15 years old. The program envisaged for boys and girls who were not yet 18 years old was called «Strength and Courage». The TRP standards for men from 19 to 39 years and women from 19 to 34 years belonged to the fourth stage — «Physical perfection.» Finally, the 5th category — «Cheerfulness and health» — was intended for people of pre-retirement age who were devoted to sports.90003 90004 Soviet standards of the TRP 90005 90002 What is it — get the cherished icon? Modern youth, most likely, will not be able to understand this. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to make enormous efforts. The figures speak about this most eloquently. 90003 90002 Set of standards for boys and girls from 10up to 13 years, consisted of 7 categories, required for delivery, and 6 additional, from which you could choose several at will. Some requirements are also indicative. A boy of 12 years, for example, had to be able to pull up at least 5 times, and girls of the same age crawl along a rope 2,8-3,5 meters.90003 90002 When moving from one age category toanother increased the number and complexity of standards, only the successful delivery of which brought the applicant a gold or silver badge. Attention is drawn to such specialized training areas as throwing training grenades and shooting from a small-caliber rifle. In the TRP standards for women at their request also included courses sandwich. Therefore, the abbreviation did not in vain call for being ready not only for work, but also for defense.90003 90004 TR 20 years later 90005 90002 In 2013, the Russian president touched on the topicthe revival of the TRP course in the country. That this will be useful for physical training and patriotic education, no one will argue, but there are questions about the form in which all this will be realized. 90003 90002 At the moment, it is for certain only known thatthe number of age steps will increase to eight. Their names in many respects echo with 1972: «Play and Move» (6-8 years), «Start All» (9-10 years), «Brave and Agile» (11-12 years), «Olympic Hopes» (13 -15 years), «Strength and grace» (16-17 years), «Physical perfection» (18-29 years), «Joy in Motion» (30-39 years), «Health and longevity» (from 40 years and older).Thus, everyone can check their forces. 90003 90002 If we compare the standards themselves, then they do notwithout innovation. Progress does not stand still, and so a small-caliber rifle was decided to be replaced by an electronic one. The program itself was supplemented by exercises such as jerking, testing flexibility, triple jump and lifting the trunk from the supine position for 1 minute. 90003 90004 Physical development of schoolchildren 90005 90002 The TRP standards for scho 90003.90000 what is it? TRP standards for men, women and school children 90001 90002 Successful development of the country and improvement of qualitylife of its citizens is possible only if the state pays attention to mass sports and health care. In Soviet times, there were many programs that stimulated the participation of ordinary people in various competitions, encouraging them to maintain their physical form and simply lead an active and healthy lifestyle. The TRP complex was very popular. What is it, modern schoolchildren already do not know.Today physical education in educational institutions is held for a tick, many children are released from them for medical reasons. Talking about adult people is not at all worthwhile, few of them in their spare time are ready to jog or work out on a bar. The current situation largely influences demography. Thus, if in the very near future effective measures are not taken to involve all generations without exception, Russia can pass a critical mark, after which it will be impossible to restore lost positions.90003 90004 Explanation of the abbreviation 90005 90002 The three capital letters of the TRP — what is it? In fact, this abbreviation stands for «Ready for work and defense.» This is a set of physical standards, the name of which already speaks about why he was thinking. 90003 90002 The primary goal of implementing the TRP in lifeSoviet people was the achievement of a mass interest in sports. At the same time, the complex was used as a universal evaluation mechanism, allowing to identify the most physically developed representatives of each generation, on which all the others should be equal.90003 90002 It was considered very prestigious to get an icon aboutsuccessful delivery of established standards. Its owner enjoyed a number of official benefits and informal advantages. The acronym was firmly established in the everyday language of people, and therefore it was not necessary to decipher it. The TRP for many years was a symbol of the sporting superiority of the USSR over other states. 90003 90004 Appearance of the TRP 90005 90002 The day of the birth of thisathletic and health-improving movement by right is considered May 24, 1930.It was then that the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper published the first materials on this important issue. In particular, it was supposed to develop a common criterion for assessing the physical preparation of people of each generation. The best in each age group, who fulfilled certain physical standards, were to receive special badges. 90003 90002 The Soviet public is very enthusiasticsupported the Komsomol initiative, therefore, at the beginning of тисячі дев’ятсот тридцять один the first TRP complex was developed. The program, compiled by the All-Union Council of Physical Culture, after discussion in party organizations was adopted virtually without amendments.90003 90004 History of the TRP 90005 90002 Initially, the system of physical regulations wasIt is designed for two main categories. As the first of them, schoolchildren of grades 1-8 acted, divided into 4 age levels. All the rest of the population over 16 years of age fell into the 2 nd group, in which there were 3 sublevels. 90003 90002 The passage of the TRP very quickly became an important partlife of a large number of people. Therefore, it was necessary to maintain the complex in an up-to-date state.Its changes were made many times. The most important of them are dated 1940, 1947, 1955, 1965 and 1972. 90003 90002 In the light of the initiatives of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putinon the revival of mass sports, the most recent amendment is of greatest interest. As it became known, the standards of the GTO in 2014 will largely be based on what was achieved in this area by 1972. 90003 90002 If we consider this stage of the development of the complex, then it was divided into 5 age categories, each of which had its own name.Children aged 10 to 13 years belonged to the 1st stage — «Bold and deft». Then there was the «Sports shift», which included boys and girls 14-15 years old. The program envisaged for boys and girls who were not yet 18 years old was called «Strength and Courage». The TRP standards for men from 19 to 39 years and women from 19 to 34 years belonged to the fourth stage — «Physical perfection.» Finally, the 5th category — «Cheerfulness and health» — was intended for people of pre-retirement age who were devoted to sports.90003 90004 Soviet standards of the TRP 90005 90002 What is it — get the cherished icon? Modern youth, most likely, will not be able to understand this. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to make enormous efforts. The figures speak about this most eloquently. 90003 90002 Set of standards for boys and girls from 10up to 13 years, consisted of 7 categories, required for delivery, and 6 additional, from which you could choose several at will. Some requirements are also indicative. A boy of 12 years, for example, had to be able to pull up at least 5 times, and girls of the same age crawl along a rope 2,8-3,5 meters.90003 90002 When moving from one age category toanother increased the number and complexity of standards, only the successful delivery of which brought the applicant a gold or silver badge. Attention is drawn to such specialized training areas as throwing training grenades and shooting from a small-caliber rifle. In the TRP standards for women at their request also included courses sandwich. Therefore, the abbreviation did not in vain call for being ready not only for work, but also for defense.90003 90004 TR 20 years later 90005 90002 In 2013, the Russian president touched on the topicthe revival of the TRP course in the country. That this will be useful for physical training and patriotic education, no one will argue, but there are questions about the form in which all this will be realized. 90003.90000 specifications. «Ready for work and defense!» 90001 90002 On March 13, 2013, Vladimir Vladimirovich PutinCenter «Sambo-70» met with representatives of the Russian education system, the federal executive power, the public. The topic of the conversation concerned the fundamental importance of a more complete material and sporting support, the relevance of the TRP remake and at the same time its assimilation to the realities of modern Russian life. In particular, it was about giving the updated TRP the status of the exam along with the USE at admission to the university.90003 90004 Preliminary preparation 90005 90002 The conversation was not impromptu. In the country’s budget, a preliminary accumulation of funds for the deployment of this project in the amount of 1.5 billion rubles. (They were «saved» by the Olympics in Sochi). For comparison: the estimated amount of costs for the implementation of the TRP, according to the estimates of the Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko, is 1.2 billion rubles. 90003 90002 Also, preliminary in most universities andsecondary schools, major overhaul of gyms and playgrounds intended for physical education was carried out.Many such institutions built stadiums with artificial cover. Thus, the youth received the necessary playgrounds for gaming sports: football, basketball and so on. At the level of cities and their districts, basins and sports palaces are built and built. Now for the townspeople the distance to the nearest basin is equivalent to 5-10 minutes of walking. A structure has been created and is being perfected that has a potential throughput that is an order of magnitude higher than the current physical culture movement offers.90003 90004 Decree of the President 90005 90002 Obviously, the conversation turned out to be constructive, as on 24.03.2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Decree No. 172 on the All-Russian Physical Culture Complex of the TRP. According to the project, it was decided to start the delivery of regulations on a nationwide scale from 01.09.2015. The Presidential Administration has developed an appropriate plan, and Vladimir Vladimirovich has set the task for the Government of the Russian Federation to create a provision on the TRP until mid-June 2014 року, and submit a step-by-step plan for its implementation until 01 .08.2014. 90003 90002 At the same time, the President of the Russian Federation determined the actualthe executors of this project are the Ministry of Sport (coordinating body) and the federal executive authority (the organizer and initiator of the introduction of the universal delivery of the norms of the complex on the ground). However, the process went ahead of schedule. 90003 90004 Traditional name of the sports complex 90005 90002 It should be noted that with the familiar abbreviationTRP, carefully preserved from Soviet times, the updated name of the complex is still different from the original one.Initially, it spoke of the physical readiness of those who passed the TRP standards as to intensive work in the national economy, and to protection (meant the Motherland, although the word itself was not mentioned). 90003 90002 How did they react to the revival of the tradition? Russians? Polls confirmed that the absolute majority — with approval, moreover, expressed a personal desire to hand over the standards of 60% of the younger generation and 36% of older Russians. Criticized the revival of the TRP only 5% of the population, expressed a «not formed opinion» — 22%.90003 90004 New interpretation of the name 90005 90002 The updated transcript of the TRP sounds like: «I’m proud of you, Fatherland!». This title-appeal turned out to be more personal, warmer, it directly refers to the holy for the Russian people word «Fatherland». 90003 The wording of the name of the complex bears in itselfa powerful message to citizens: not only affects the physical aspect — to be in proper sports form, but also provides moral motivation for those who pass the TRP standards.It is about the attention of a person to his personal physical form and its comparison with the conscious tasks of serving the Fatherland. 90004 Draft provision on the TRP. The essence of the complex 90005 90002 The status quo is defined in the draft regulations as the program and regulatory framework, that is, figuratively speaking, the cornerstone of the entire system of physical education of Russian citizens. 90003 90002 This makes you think about the meaning of the project -To introduce in the sphere of physical education of millions of people a point of reference, to stimulate by means of standards compliance with certain standards of physical health.The state launches a powerful plan for international, all-Russian and regional physical culture and sports events, during which citizens will carry out TRP standards. 90003 90004 Approved solution 90005 90002 Revival of the set of standards for physicalpreparation is an unmistakable option, as it has proved itself remarkably for decades. The older generation still remembers about it warmly. It was his mechanism that was the beginning of the transformation of the Soviet Union into a leading sports power.Hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren, having passed the TRP standards at a decent level, then got into the system of selection of sports schools. Then for the most talented of them the principle of «social elevator» worked. Thus, numerous Soviet Olympic champions and World Champions began with a small badge that broadcasts about the successful delivery of physical tests. 90003 90004 Becoming a TRP 90005 90002 Let’s remember history. How was the complex named «Ready for Labor and Defense» born? 90003 90002 On September 23, 1929, the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) Assessed the statephysical culture in the country as unsatisfactory. The Bolsheviks made a number of critical remarks about the insufficient mass character of this movement among workers and rural youth. Outlining the course of the new athletic movement, they pointed to the fallacy and harm of one-sided «sporting». The situation was decided to be brought under the control of the state. By resolution of the Central Committee, the All-Union Council of Physical Education (VSFC) was created under the Central Election Commission (CEC).01.04.1930 The Presidium of the CEC adopted a decree on the establishment of the Supreme Arbitration Commission. 90003 90002 05/24/1930. the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper published materials prepared jointly by the Komsomol and the All-Union Physical Education Council. The key idea in them was the initiation of the creation of a unified assessment of physical training in the country. After discussing these materials, the WSFC in November 1930 published a draft of the complex «Ready for Labor and Defense».90003 90004 Dynamics of the TRP 90005 90002 07.03.1931 VSFC, having such authority, approved the TRP complex, which contains 15 physical exercises and consists of a single step. 90003 90002 In 1932 with 465 thousand beginnersathletes who passed the standards and awarded badges, VSFC developed and approved the second level of standards, it was already fundamentally more difficult to implement. It was justified, the interest of young people grew. The result was noticeable already in the following year: the number of icons increased twofold.90003 90002 On June 15, 1934, the complex «Ready for Labor anddefense» became «younger» and actually outgrew the all-Union movement: VSFK attracted younger age groups: from 13 to 14 and from 15 to 16 years, and by the end of the year the number of people who overcame the standard has increased significantly — to 2.5 million people. 90003 90002 Until the beginning of the Great Patriotic Warthe movement gained momentum, its representatives took part in the parades. After rebuilding the national economy, which was destroyed in the course of hostilities, it continued its march through the territory of the USSR.90003 90002 For the delivery of standards was defined in +1954 as a singleorder — sports and competition. Since 1959 the STO stages of the USSR have been separate 90003.90000 National Standards in Gifted and Talented Education 90001 90002 NAGC has developed national standards in programming and services and teacher preparation to guide high quality education for the nation’s estimated 3 to 5 million gifted and talented students. 90003 90002 Ensuring that highly able learners are recognized and subsequently served through systematic programming is of the highest priority. All teachers must be able to recognize a high-ability student who needs more depth and complexity in instruction or may need a referral for further assessment and services.Teachers in specialized programs for gifted learners or those who coordinate gifted and talented programs and services should be familiar with the theory, research, curriculum strategies, and educational practices necessary to develop and sustain high quality classroom-based opportunities for advanced student learning. 90003 90002 National standards for specialized 90007 programs and services 90008, for gifted education teacher preparation, 90007 knowledge and skills for all teachers, and advanced standards in teacher preparation 90008 will help guide and improve teaching and deepen student learning.90003 90012 90013 Pre-K to Grade 12 Gifted Education Programming Standards 90014 90002 90007 (These standards were updated in 2019 90008.) National programming standards assist school districts in examining the quality of their programs and services for gifted learners. Recognizing that the ongoing evaluation and re-tooling of a successful gifted program is an evolutionary process, the NAGC Pre-K-Grade 12 Programming Standards detail a framework that focuses on student outcomes. Districts use the program standards both as mileposts for improving programs and services and as rubrics for evaluation.The standards have been endorsed by The Association for the Gifted of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC-TAG). 90003 90012 90014 90012 Knowledge & Skill Standards in Gifted & Talented Education For All Teachers 90014 90002 It is critical that all teachers are able to recognize a high-ability student who may need more depth and complexity in instruction or be referred for further assessment and services. However, few general teacher preparation programs provide instruction on the needs of gifted and talented students, and as a result, the majority of teachers in classrooms today have not been trained to meet the learning needs of these students.90003 90002 Read the standard for all teachers. 90003 90012 90013 Teacher Preparation Standards in Gifted Education 90014 90002 National standards for gifted education teacher preparation programs reflect what the field of gifted education, led by NAGC, determines is essential for gifted education specialists to know and be able to do. The standards, which were developed with the Council for Exceptional Children, are the foundation for the knowledge and skills needed in teacher candidates in gifted and talented education.90003 90002 Read the teacher preparation standards. 90003 90012 90014 90012 Standards for Faculty in Gifted Education Teacher Preparation Programs 90014 90002 Faculty in teacher preparation programs in gifted and talented education assume responsibility for the development of preK-12 teachers who are well-prepared in recognizing and responding to the needs of gifted, talented, and high-potential students. 90003 90002 Read the standards for faculty in these programs. 90003 90012 90013 Advanced Standards in Gifted Education Teacher Training 90014 90002 Many educators in gifted education continue their professional growth toward mastery of advanced professional standards to help prepare them for leadership roles in gifted education.The Advanced Standards lay out the knowledge and skills that teachers in gifted education should master as part of their preparation for advanced professional practice. 90003 90002 Read the advanced standards. 90003 90002 90003 .

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